Frequently asked questions.

Program & Enrollment

+ How long does participation in the program take?

The entire process should take a couple weeks: Enroll and you can begin training immediately. Training should take under an hour. You will likely complete your sample plan in less than an hour at which time you can book a consultation meeting with Terraphase experts. We anticipate you can speak with a consultant within days of requesting your appointment. Once your plan is approved on that phone call, you will receive your test kit within 10 days. After your sampling is completed and shipped back to the laboratory (free of charge), the lab will complete the testing and we will report the results to you within 14 business days.

+ How do I know if I am a “prioritized” facility based on the underserved and low-income threshold?

Enroll and Terraphase will notify you within 48 hours if you are on the priority list. Childcare providers that fall within these Environmental Justice Areas, and schools with a 50% subsidized lunch enrollment will meet the prioritization requirement.

**+ Where does lead in drinking water come from? **

See Background page.

**+ Who is funding this program? **

Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority secured a federal grant to support voluntary testing for lead in drinking water at schools and childcare facilities. See more on the Background page.

+ Are head start programs eligible to enroll?


**+ Will participation in this program meet the City of Philadelphia's requirement for water safety testing? **

Yes. Once complete, you should report the results of tests for each potable water outlet in your facility to

+ Does this program help me if I have a private well and currently have my water tested monthly for DEP?

No, unfortunately his program is not going to help your monthly testing requirements with DEP for your private well operation. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t take full advantage of this free program to further test your water at all your outlets and reduce the risk of lead exposure in drinking water.

**+ My facility previously conducted some independent drinking water sampling. Can we still participate in the program? **

Yes, previous sampling does not conflict with participating in this program.

**+ We only serve bottled water. Should I still participate? **

Yes, testing your water could restore confidence in your water supply and save you money.

Elevated Lead Levels & Corrective Actions

**+ What level of lead is safe? **

There is no safe level of lead in drinking water. However, the Federal threshold for lead concentrations in drinking water is set at 15 parts per billion (ppb). In some jurisdictions, the threshold is set lower than the Federal rule. For this program, a remediation trigger level of 5ppb has been deemed appropriate to take action and make plumbing repairs. Any lead levels greater than 5ppb will be eligible for repair funding.

+ Will I be penalized if elevated lead levels are found?

No. It is important to understand this program is designed for protecting public health and there is no penalty when elevated lead levels are found. The immediate action will be to temporarily shut off the problem outlet(s). Terraphase supports the corrective action decision making process to help determine the final solution and to apply for reimbursement for all qualified repairs.

Please note, public schools are required to report elevated lead results per the School Code Act 39.

**+ If elevated levels are found can additional locations be sampled for lead? **

Yes, all locations used for drinking and food prep should have been sampled during the intial event. If an additional location is identified it can be discussed with Terraphase.

+ Will the results of the testing be shared with the Office of Child Development and Early Learning? Will it impact my certificate to operate?

No. It is important to understand this program is designed for protecting public health and there is no penalty when elevated lead levels are found.

Sampling & Sample Plans

+ Who will receive the sampling results?

Your primary contact can expect to receive an email from Terraphase summarizing all results with the analytical report attached.

+ At my facility we use a staff bathroom sink to fill water jugs for students. Should this be sampled?

Yes, all outlets used for drinking and food prep should be sampled.

+ Can I collect samples during the summer or other extended breaks when school is not in session?

The best way to get representative sample is to collect samples during regular school periods. If sampling needs to occur during summer, school breaks, or extended closures a flushing protocol should be followed. Contact us for a flushing plan.

+ If I need to switch the individual who will be collecting samples what do I do?

You can switch the individual but whoever collects the samples should have completed the training in full.

+ What should I do if the location description on the sample bottle is the right water fountain, but the bottle was filled at the left water fountain?

Document this on the sampling checklist and inform Terraphase during follow-up phone call.

+ What do I do if I cannot make my scheduled sample planning meeting?

Refer back to your confirmation email to re-schedule on our booking calendar link.

+ Should I wear gloves when collecting samples?

Although it is not a requirement to wear gloves while sampling, putting on clean nitrile gloves when arriving at each sample location is a good practice to eliminate potential for cross-contamination.

+ What do I do if one of my sample locations gets shut off between the sample planning consultation and the sampling event?

On the Chain of Custody (COC) single line out the location that will not be sampled.

+ Where can I see the sample results of other particpants?

On the sample results page, here.

We encourage you to contact us with any further questions.